The kick-off for this "Heifer Project" will be on Sunday, August 9. Assistant to the Bishop, Rev. Danette Johns, will be our guest preacher for the day under the theme "Feed My Sheep" (John 21:15-17). Following the worship service all will gather outside (weather permitting) or in the Fellowship Hall for a picnic meal, games and good old fashioned fellowship. The meat will be provided, so all are asked to bring pot-luck desert or salad. Questions can be directed to either Sandy Hokinson (469-3004) or Mary Collmann (469-2762).
One of the Heifer Projects that is popular among congregations is the "Fill the Ark" campaign which requires a fund-raising effort of $5000 and, when completed, will provide animals and other resources for 30 families. Our goal is to have raised enough money to "Fill the Ark" by Thanksgiving 2009. You can learn all about the Heifer Project by visiting their website; simply click on the title, "Let's Fill and Ark!" at the top of this entry.